Simple and easy for any layman to understand what is going on regarding China's largely perceived rise to economic prominence.
Readers are afforded fiddling to their liking with two variables that sum up economic performance thus obtaining different overtaking year-dates.
It has lasted well over a century until China woke up from a long slumber to make the ongoing impressive dash to the top.
While common folk don't quite understand yet what the implications are/will be - they can't be blamed for that anyway - I often wonder if American leadership generally does. And if so, what action will it undertake to at least hold US ground.
Not by seeking to arrest China's inexorable growth but aiming to achieve and keep a decent second.
Or keep the number one spot for as long as decent growth in a mature market/economy may assure?
Maybe they will not get asked until it becomes self-evident what follows from economic decadence.
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