Pointless to try guessing what goes on in his mind as head of government in full knowledge of where Portugal stands.
The Constitutional Court is either a fully-fledged Court whose rulings may be questioned but have to be upheld or a cumbersome institution whose decisions are read according to context and political expediency.
I believe the former to have far more substance than the latter.
Does that mean targets agreed with creditors must be met irrespective of all else?
Looking from outside maybe yes but from inside the case is much harder to grapple with.
The government has got two years' record to look back on and realize how unrealistic those targets were.
Governments everywhere are experiencing great difficulty meeting set budget deficit targets even where economies are not shrinking as is Portugal's case. Throwing further austerity on top of austerity already in place is not likely to make things any better.
On the contrary, the downward spiral would only accelerate.
It should therefore not be an option at all.
How to break loose by restoring sound growth to the economy remains the only worthy way out. Yet that is a million dollar question no-one is willing to find an answer to!
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