As far as I am concerned this is such straightforward matter that no amount of witty, practical or pragmatic argument would ever persuade me away from a loud NO.
Will not dwell on excessive rhetoric to back up my firm belief in diverse forms of speaking what is and will forever be the same language:
English, written and spoken in different modes according to latitude and longitude.So what?
But the undeniable fact and evidence is the English language originated in England, the communication and cultural tool and expression of the English nation.
That was before that nation spread it far and wide across the world.
English later received new inputs from other peoples and cultures that mingled together particularly in the USA.
In this age of globalization not everything should get sacrificed to disguised pragmatism or, more often than not, to commercial profit.
A return to sound basics should still matter.
Where precedence, logic, diversity, linguistic flair, flavour and richness should be highly valued.
To Americanize English would be tantamount to overriding the English roots of the English language.
Shakespeare would not have approved of it.
I certainly do not.
And it does not call for more than one rock-solid argument to back it up.
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